The constant information that we are all receiving regarding coronavirus is enough to worry any of us but can specifically cause challenges for those who live with anxiety on a day to day basis / have a pre-existing anxiety condition.
Keeping your, body and mind occupied whether you are self-isolating or social distancing, will help keep your spirits up and protect against you experiencing a dip in your mental wellbeing.
Here’s some suggestions;
- Download some podcasts you’ve been meaning to listen to
- Watch that boxset on Netflix if you have time on your hands
- Having boxes of things prepared that can be done alone, things like arts and crafts, knitting, video games
- Try some meditation, especially for those who’ve never tried it
- Baking
- Learning a new hobby, something like origami or other simple craft tasks
- Education (via online links)
- Skyping friends and Facetime calls
- Cooking
- Mindfulness
- Yoga
- Exercise bike
- Writing
- Reading
- Knitting and other crafts
- Gardening
All great ideas to keep active and busy.
Finally, it’s important to try not to panic; strategies such as cutting down on watching the news can be helpful. Remember to look at things factually and remember that useful phrase ‘this too shall pass’.
Anxiety UK offer confidential advice and support for those with anxiety and stress, more information is here